
This US9514961195221 USPS Text Message Scam



If you have received a text message with a tracking number like US9514961195221, claiming to be from the USPS, you should be cautious. It’s probably a hoax meant to trick you into clicking on a malicious link or divulging personal information.

What Is US9514961195221 USPS Text Message Scam?

Smishing is a term used to refer to phishing schemes that employ phone numbers or text messages, such as the “US9514961195221 USPS” fraud. Scammers pretending to be USPS staff claim that an incorrect address prevents your shipment from being delivered. By clicking on a link that leads to a phony website that mimics the official USPS website, they ask you to alter your address.

On the fraudulent website, you can be asked to authenticate your identity, enter your credit card information, or pay a delivery fee. If you carry out any of these actions, you are providing the con artists access to your personal information, which they may use to steal your identity or commit fraud. The SMS message may include a random tracking number, like US9514961195221, or a number somewhat close to it. This tracking number is fictitious and unrelated to any shipment. It is used by con artists to make communications seem real and urgent. This is how a USPS hoax SMS message with the number US9514961195221 looks.

Ignoring and deleting the text message is the best line of defense from falling for this scam. Do not click on any links or open any attachments. By calling their customer care number, 1-800-275-8777, or going to their official website,, you may track down the shipments you are expecting from USPS. In addition, you may register for free SMS alerts on specific parcels from USPS by requesting and providing a valid tracking number.

If you have clicked on the link or entered your details on the fraudulent website, you should act immediately to protect yourself. You should report the situation to your bank and credit card provider. Furthermore, keep an eye out for any strange activity on your credit reports and bank statements. You may also report the scam to the US Postal Inspection Service by sending an email with the details of the phony website and a text message to

Now, What Should I Do?

You should remove the US9514961195221 USPS Scam text message from your inbox and disregard its contents. If you have downloaded any attachments, click on any links from emails or texts, or believe your computer may be infected with malware, you may use the methods below to scan your device for malware using anti-malware software and remove it for free.

Check To See If Malware Is On Your Device

The US9514961195221 USPS Scam email message may include attachments or malicious software. By utilizing it, the user might unwittingly introduce malware into their device or network, for example, by opening or downloading an attachment that contains malicious code. Attackers may now access safeguarded data and apps as a result. On your computer or mobile device, you run an anti-malware scan to look for Trojan horses, browser hijackers, and other malware and remove it for free.

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